• Welcome to Sqingo

  • Taking Squares to a new Level

Sqingo is an online Football (US version) Squares game site.
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Welcome to Sqingo

The premiere site to play Football Squares online. Whether you play as part of an Office Pool, Union/Student Group, Fireman/Police Station;Football squares is one of the most existing and fun ways to watch the Playoff’s and Super Bowl - and to make a little money while doing it. Now instead of manual paper based football squares games you can play them online, securely and quickly. Take it for a spin and you will see for yourself. Create your first game now, invite players, select squares and Win!

Game Hosts Benefits

As a Host for your Football Squares Games you can create Squares in minutes. No need to chase down people of unpaid squares – Sqingo collects the money for you. No hassle with lost sheets or people complaining about the available squares – everything is online and squares are automatically locked once selected and paid for. Hosts not only receive collected funds immediately but also get a HOST bonus from each paid square for managing the games!

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  • Sit Back and Let the Games Begin
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  • Distribute Funds to Winner

Game Player Benefits

As a player you get to access the game via your private invitation and can purchase squares immediately once the game opens. Squares a filled on first come first serve basis – so no favoritism. You don’t have to pay cash to play anymore. Our game play is easy to use, secure and fast. No worries about lost sheets or remembering your numbers – everything is online

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  • Join Games with the Click of a Button after email invitation
  • Pick Squares

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  • Select and Pay for your Squares in Seconds
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  • Win! Get notified automatically if your squares are winner

Game Rules

Praesent est laborum dolo rumes fugats untras. Etha rums ser quidem rerum facilis dolores nemis onis fugats vitaes nemo minima rerums unsers sadips amets.

#1 Find Some Friends

Or friends of friends. Or co-workers. Or people you accost on the street and badger into playing a game with you. Whatever. Any breathing life form pretty much works.

#2 Now Decide How You Want to Play

Each box corresponds with a number from zero to nine, with the y-axis representing the score of one team and the x-axis representing the score of the other.

The most popular variation of the game (which we'll use as a base going forward) is a 10x10 box, filled with 100 squares. Most use the 100-square grid because it is the easiest to understand. Each box corresponds with a number from zero to nine, with the y-axis representing the score of one team and the x-axis representing the score of the other.

There are also 25-square and 50-square variations of the same game. If you're having trouble getting more than five or so people, going with this might be more fun. In the 25-square variation, each square gets two numbers on each axis. In the 50-square variation, you only get one number on the x-axis but two numbers on the y-axis.

Squares seems complicated. In reality, it's almost mind-numbingly simple.

Remember those friends we talked about? Gather them together. Or don't. Go to their houses like a door-to-door salesperson. Allow said people to pick as many boxes as they like, knowing that each box selected comes with a set, corresponding value. If you want to invest in 10 boxes at $10 a pop, that's your prerogative—thank you kindly for the Benjamin.

If you want to invest $10 for one box, be my guest. We're not mad at Alexander Hamilton, either.

Keep this process going until all 100 boxes (or 50 or 25) are filled. Then, assign numbers zero through nine to each of the corresponding boxes—making sure there are no repeats, and that you do this randomly in the spirit of fairness. Write the numbers to each corresponding box on the master sheet, then inform each of the participants of which numbers they have received.

Each number represents the second number of a team's score total, assuming a false zero for every single-digit total. Meaning, if you place the Broncos on the x-axis and they score 27 points, the seven is the value you use. Same goes for the y-axis.

Only the person who matches both numbers wins. Say the Seahawks lose 27-23. The victor of your Super Bowl Squares pool will be at seven, three on the box.

So, Only the Person Who Gets the Final Score Right Wins?

That depends on how gregarious you want to be. Some Square games are winner-take-all events. Only the final score matters. Some divvy up the pot—either weighted to make later scores matter or split in quarters—and then have a winner at the end of each quarter.

The aforementioned rules still apply. If the score is 9-3 Seahawks at the end of the first quarter, the person at three, nine would win whatever the allotted pot was. If the score carries over to halftime, said person is a lucky duck and keeps winning.

Sqingo Pricing

Sqingo pricing is all transaction based. The Game Host sets the Price for each Square and the Fees are deducted as follows

  • 2.5% of all transactions go to the Sqingo
  • 2.5% goes to the game Host.
  • The only other cost are for the Credit Card Transaction fee (2.9% plus $0.30)

All fees are deducted from the Cost of the Square at the Time of Payment.

For example if the cost per Square is $20 then the fees would be:

  • $0.50 goes to Sqingo;
  • $0.50 Goes to the Game Host;
  • $0.88 is the Credit Card Processing fee:
  • The remaining $18.12 goes into the Pool for the Winners


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